Gate to Plate

Gate to Plate

Gate to Plate

The Gate to Plate continuing education event held at the University of Kentucky Meats Lab is a professional development opportunity for agriculture educators to learn beef processing skills and techniques from beginning to end. Learn how "what's for dinner" gets to the table!

This is a three-day professional development opportunity that includes demonstrations and hands-on opportunities with a cow-calf operation, harvesting animals, taking animals from the pasture to the processing facility and participating in meat processing. Attendees will also participate in lectures and demonstrations on food handling safety, creating their own dry rub for cooking and learning more about the National High School BBQ Association through cooking challenges.

The cost of the training includes housing, travel to farm visits, equipment, curriculum and food.

This is a joint collaboration between: 

Check back for information on future events.

Rebekah Epps

Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies

(859) 257-3275 304 Garrigus Building 325 Cooper Drive Lexington, KY 40546

Contact Information

Dr. Wes Harrison, Ph.D.
Department Chair

500 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

(859) 562-2788