Duvall Endowment Fund

Duvall Endowment Fund

Duvall Endowment Fund

Each academic year the W. Norris Duvall Leadership Endowment Fund, administered through the Department of Community and Leadership Development, will be accepting requests for proposals.

About the Trust

The W. Norris Duvall Leadership Endowment Fund is a renewable trust established for the purpose of enhancing student leadership opportunities. Through the generosity and foresight of the late Mr. W. Norris Duvall, of Todd County, Kentucky, the W. Norris Duvall Endowment for Youth Leadership, Ethics and Service was established with the University of Kentucky's Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment to support programs that assist students in developing leadership skills and a responsibility for ethical behavior.

Duvall Fund for Students

Professional Development Opportunities & Travel Grants


2024 Deadline to apply is End of Day October 15, 2024


The Duvall Leadership Fund supports student led projects in two emphasis areas:

Professional Development Scholarships

Funding for student scholarships is intended to assist students with funds to attend professional conferences or workshops pertaining to leadership development.. Examples include: Funding support to attend Agricultural Education events, leadership development programs, or community development conferences. These funds are not intended to fund university coursework

Travel Awards

Projects that support national or international study to promote student leadership, and community engagement opportunities. Funding may be used to support student travel, tuition, and/or fees associated with international study. Examples Include: International classes, student exchange, or student engagement experiences.

Student fund recipients are expected to share learning outcomes through presentations or reports back to the department.  Requests for funding should detail plans for how the learning will be shared with the department.

Proposal Submission Process

QR Code image


Link to Student Application

Proposals should be submitted via Qualtrics. Use the link above or scan the QR Code.  You may find it helpful to prepare the application in advance. Information requested for a project proposal is detailed below:

  • Background & contact information.
  • Name of CLD faculty member sponsoring your project. (make certain you have discussed this with them before submission)
  • Project title
  • Project abstract (a summarization of the purpose of this proposal)
  • Full description of the project (conference, workshop, student exchange, engagement opportunity, paper being presented, other professional development opportunity, etc.) presented in clear, precise terms.
  • Short narrative: What leadership knowledge and skills do you hope to gain through this project?  Be specific and try to outline learning objectives that are measurable.  
  • Short narrative: How will you spread the leadership skills and knowledge you have gained or apply them upon completion of the project?  For example, you may give a presentation on campus or in your community, offer a training, etc. Be specific and outline a concrete plan you intend to implement. Note that grant recipients are expected to share back what they have learned.
  • A list of applicant leadership activities and positions (include internships or work leadership responsibilities as well). If you have been unable to participate in leadership roles, please explain your commitment to leadership development and why it is important to you.
  • Short narrative (optional): Any reflections you want to share on challenges you have faced in accessing funding or participating in these kinds of opportunities.
  • Requested amount, budget, and budget justification
  • Supporting materials: If you are attending a conference, a link to the conference Agenda is expected. If you have a resume, please attach.


For more information or questions please contact Dr. Daniel Kahl, Chair of the Duvall Committee (Daniel.kahl@uky.edu).

Duvall Fund for Faculty and Staff

Assisting CLD faculty and staff in expanding leadership development



The Duvall Leadership Fund supports faculty led projects in three areas:

Funding is intended to assist Community & Leadership Development (CLD) faculty and staff in expanding leadership development activities. Awards will be distributed to support projects that enhance student leadership.

Student Leadership Development

The Duvall Leadership Fund supports projects that encourage students to develop their own leadership skills and competencies. Projects that encourage students to think critically and creatively, be innovative, and develop specific leadership skills are encouraged.  

Examples may include teacher-directed international experiences that focus on leadership, culture, or community; undergraduate research projects and presentations, and engaged community initiatives sharing new or novel leadership ideas and projects. 

Student Leadership & Community Engagement

The Duvall Leadership Fund supports projects that connect student leaders with community engagement and/or participatory action research initiatives. Plans for developing collaborative working projects should be respectful of the W. Norris Duvall priority of ethical leadership. Funded projects should be designed to provide students with responsibility and leadership opportunities to engage with local communities. Project proposals in this category should be developed in conjunction with a community partner and submitted as a proposal (by a CLD team) to work with an organization or group of community members. 

Examples may include engaging community members in learning about community issues, and the economic, social, and other impacts associated with alternative courses of action; conducting community assessments; administering surveys; mobilizing program activities; or student involvement in community-based research or initiatives. 

Visiting Speakers/Scholars

The Duvall Leadership Endowment Fund supports the hosting of thought-provoking leaders to speak and/or conduct workshops which support the leadership development of students (Example: leader in residence or guest speakers on topics of leadership, ethics, or community development). The goal of the program is to bring to campus prominent leaders that have a strong Kentucky connection, known for their ethical style of leadership. Invited speakers are expected to provide lectures and/or lead in-depth discussions on leadership topics in the areas of social, political, economic, ethical, and legal conditions and their effect on leadership and decision making. Students will have the opportunity to learn from and interact with the leader in residence, faculty and community leaders during discussion sessions held at the University of Kentucky and in community-based settings. 

Funding Available

Available funds will be determined by the size and number of proposals awarded each year. Depending upon the size and number of proposals awarded each year, typical awards generally range from $2500 to $12,000.  


Eligible applicants for Duvall project funds include all faculty and staff in the Community and Leadership Development Department at the University of Kentucky. Collaborative proposals between CLD faculty/staff and other units, both internal and external to the University of Kentucky, are encouraged.  

Proposal Submission Process

Proposals should provide the following components. Please use this bulleted framework to prepare your application before pasting it into the Qualtrics linked form below. 

  • Applicant name(s) and department affiliation(s) 
  • Primary Contact - name, email, phone number 
  • Project Overview – basic description of the project and rationale  (250 word limit) Please include in the introduction the identified need, conceptual/theoretical framework that has shaped your proposal, and a clear detail of what you hope to accomplish.
  • Project Outcomes - 3 to 5 bullets that detail how the proposal will affect Duvall priorities.
      • How will the project affect student understanding of ethics, trust or service?
      • How will this project positively impact student/participant leadership development? 
  • Project Budget & Justification 
  • Project plans for evaluation (200 words)
  • Expected Timeline of Project Activities 
  • Plan for Sharing Impact/Knowledge (100 words)
  • If this project is focused on community engagement, how was the proposal developed in conjunction with a community partner?
Proposal Funding Timeline

A call for proposals will be sent out annually at the beginning of the Fall Semester. Proposals must be submitted by 11:59 pm by Oct 15thfor funding available for the following calendar year. Project proposals will be reviewed by the Duvall Leadership Endowment Fund Advisory Committee, with award decisions sent out by December 15th.

Awards should be utilized within a 12-month period after being received. Please reach out to the Duvall committee (see contact information below) if you need to modify the budget or timeframe given unanticipated circumstances.   

Note that proposals should be submitted via Qualtrics. Use this link https://uky.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aUYwvSxwLOul5eS or scan the QR code:


Duvall QR Code







For more information, contact:

Dr. Daniel Kahl, Ph.D., Duvall Committee Chair (Daniel.kahl@uky.edu )


View the PDF program description here

 Engagement Scholarship Consortium resources can be found at: https://engagementscholarship.org

Community Development Society Principles of Good Practice can be found at:  www.comm-dev.org/about-us






Contact Information

Dr. Wes Harrison, Ph.D.
Department Chair

500 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

(859) 562-2788